Monday, May 13, 2013

Love Me by Diane Alberts - Guest Post & Review

Diane Alberts - Writing “Crushing” Scenes

Yep, we all know those moments. Those moments the whole story builds up to. The moment when the reader is sure that the world they’ve come to love can never be repaired again. The characters hate each other, or one is injured and possibly dying. Maybe the hero ran away from the heroine because the love he felt for her terrified him.

There are lots of ways to get to this crushing moment, but they all have the same effect on us readers. We’re gutted, along side our characters. We want to shout and cry and throw the book. We might even threaten to avoid reading the rest of the book, or any other books from this author, if they don’t FIX IT.

Even if you’re sure of a happy ending, the best kind of book out there makes you doubt that happy ending you’re positive is coming. It makes you wonder how in the heck they’re going to overcome ALL THE THINGS and live happily ever after. And getting to this point is as hard for writers as it is for the readers.

Sometimes, I sit there in my evil lair—aka my desk—and rub my hands together, plotting out what would gut my characters the most. I figure out their worst fears, and then I slam them over the head with it. Sometimes repeatedly. Mean, I know. But very effective! Other times, the black moment creeps up on me, and I’m as surprised as the rest of you. Sometimes I think those are the best kind, because even I don’t see them coming. Everything is unicorns, ponies, and rainbows…and then bam! Tornadoes, killer monkeys, and rainclouds.

In Love Me (Take a Chance #2), my newest release with Entangled Publishing, Thomas and Brianna both have some pretty intense pasts. They both have some deep-set fears and insecurities, and their “black moment” comes to a head with both of these. And I won’t lie. There’s blood. Yep, real blood.

My goal, as a writer, is to make you care as much about these characters as I do. If you shed a tear, or whoop with joy when they get their happily-ever-after…then I get mine.

Thomas Jones has come to Vegas to win yet another account for his marketing company. But when he sits across from beautiful and sensual Brianna Falk to deliver his pitch, his desire to leave Vegas as quickly as possible is replaced by the need to get closer to her. Yet she resists his charm.

Brianna knows a date with Thomas could jeopardize her job, but he’s so maddening and insistent, she has a hard time denying him just one date. But that’s all it can be: one date. Because she has to protect her job and her secrets, even if it means giving up a chance at a life she never thought she’d have again.

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About Diane

Diane Alberts is a multi-published, bestselling author with Entangled Publishing, Swoon Romance, and Decadent Publishing. She has, as of this date, four books with Entangled Publishing, one book with Swoon Romance, and five older books with Decadent Publishing. Her February release with Entangled Publishing, ON ONE CONDITION, hit #18 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list, and TRY ME hit #76 on Amazon. Her Swoon Romance novella, CAPTIVATED BY YOU, hit #31 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list. Diane is represented by Louise Fury from the L. Perkins Agency.

Where to find Diane

Her Website | Her Blog | Twitter | Her Facebook Page


In Love Me we have two very tortured people. Thomas Jones is still feeling like his last (and only) failed marriage has marred him for good. Brianna Falk is a widowed mother of three with her hands full. She too is haunted by memories of loved ones past, but for a different reason.

We start our story with Thomas returning to Vegas to market his company to bid on a new local casino project. His connection to getting the bid has been dodging their meeting for weeks. He has finally snagged the meeting. He is on his way to meeting the client when a woman (Brianna) so caught up in her technology she's not watching her surroundings... Thomas to the rescue (or so he thinks) until she narrowly misses running into something, but she ends up colliding with Thomas instead and dropping her iPhone. Witty banter ensues and they pair think their parting ways...until he walks into the restaurant for the meeting and comes to find out it was Brianna.

At first she act rather cold, but Thomas is very persistent and crafty at getting what he wants. This time it's not only the bid he wants...its Brianna. He does some pretty smooth talking about getting MotoTek in the running for the project, but also convincing Brianna to be his local guide and show him whats the night life can be like. She dodges his moves, but Thomas' marketing skills pays off and she eventually relents and allows the "date".

As the date begins and progresses, Brianna and Thomas don't waste too much time before their chemistry nearly explodes! They end up together at his apartment and they don't waste time with waiting for the dors to close, but afterwards Brianna leaves hastily feeling dirty and used, thinking Thomas was only in it for the job, he can't want a cold-hearted executive. If he knew the truth he'd go running faster then his mouth can smooth talk a bid. This only makes Thomas more intrigued and wanting to find out what is going on.

They end up doing the dodge and Perry fencing bit, with her now avoiding him. But Thomas isn't giving up. He pins her down, but she again tries to put up her walls. As they eventually learn about whats holding them back, they have to learn to open up and believe they are accepting of each other and their true feelings.

As both of their shells begin to crack, reality sends a curveball... Thomas' stay is soon up. Will he stay and complete Brianna and her family, or leave her hurt and alone once again?

I have intentionally left out some of the bigger details of what has Brianna putting up her steel barricades so as not to spoil everything. I can safely say I can empathize with her situation, and seeing how she's being protective only reminds me of why I am being like that as well with certain aspects of my personal life. Diane once again has hit home wit this sequel to her Take a Chance series. We eventually see the tie in with the first book about Jeremy and Erica (Try Me). They play a part in this story as well. Their story of finding love is heart warming and strikes a chord that tugs at our hearts. I feel in love with both as they grew together and completed each other in ways they never saw coming. All I can ask now is, is there a third story coming to this series??? If so, I can't wait to see what Diane brins to the table next! Kudos to Diane for the perfect follow-up to a great starting series!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, this series sounds very yummy. I love damaged characters and those 'crushing' scenes. They're kind of my faves. I'll be checking it out!
